Women Adventure Network of India (WANI) is a registered Trust led by Padma Bhushan Bachendri Pal
Madam. Vision of WANI is to Imbibe Adventure Culture among Women of India. Mission is to bring women
of all adventure sports on one platform to appreciate and promote the adventure spirit among them.
Not the be mentioned Bachendri Pal madam, the first Indian Women to climb Mt. Everest. She has been
actively involved in mentoring and coaching women to pursue adventure sports and nature exploration.
WANI started in 2010 and since than members are involved in promoting adventure sports across India.
Latest trek done by the team was FIT@50 Trans Himalaya Expedition. Go Green Girls Cycle Expedition
from Kolkata to Kanyakumari, Go Green Girls Cycle Expedition from Cochin to Kutch and many few small
treks keep spirit of adventure alive among members.